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Medicinal Herb – Bibhitaki

Bibhitaki, also known as Baheda in Hindi, is derived from the Sanskrit term Vibheetaki, which means lack of fear. Bibhitaki is known as the fruit that makes one “Fearless” from all diseases.

It is grown on large deciduous trees and has flowers which are greenish yellow with a pungent and unpleasant odour. The Ayurvedic properties of Bibhitaki are Kashaya (astringent), Rukshas and laghu (dry and light), Madhura (sweetness) and ushna (heat). These properties make Bibhitaki ideal for pacifying the Kapha dosha in the body.

Bibhitaki primarily supports the formation of three bodily tissues - nutrients plasma (rasa dhatu), muscle (mamsa dhatu) and bone (asthi dhatu). It eliminates excess mucous in the body balancing the Kapha dosha and is a powerful medicine for a variety of lung conditions, including bronchitis and asthma.

Benefits of Bibhitaki:

  • Kapha disorders: As we have already mentioned in our earlier posts, Kapha types are generally overweight and are prone to cough and cold due to the excessive mucous in the body. Bibhitaki helps in removing mucous from the digestive tract which leads to better absorption of nutrients by the body.
  • Digestion: Known to be as one of the best tonics for the digestive system, Bibhitaki Juice keeps the system clean and resolves the digestive functions. It helps in improving conditions such as anorexia and diseases such as piles and worms in the digestive system.
  • Respiratory System: Respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and phlegm can be prevented by the Bibhitaki
  • Conjunctivitis: Applying Bibhitaki paste on the eye can be the best and quickest cure to any eye infections.
  • Cuts and Wounds: Applying Bibhitaki paste on cuts and wounds can prevent excessive bleeding.

Apart from these benefits, applying Bibhitaki paste on the hair and skin can prevent premature ageing. Sleeping disorders can also be cured with the consumption of Bibhitaki in any form. Next up, we talk about “Haritaki” and its benefits. Stay tuned.

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the very good article.

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